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Lauren S. Hallion, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Anxiety; Cognition-Emotion Interactions; Worry; Experimental Psychopathology
Jamie L. Hanson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Reward & Decision Making; Development & Psychopathology; Stress & Emotion
Brant Hasler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Sleep and circadian rhythms in regulating affect and motivation
Marquis Hawkins, PhD
Assistant Professor
William Hawthorne, Psy.D
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Mindfulness and Health Self-Efficacy, Third Generation Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions, Socio-cultural factors in intervention and assessment.
Daphne A. Henry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and academic development; Family, school, and neighborhood influences on development; Parental ethnic-racial socialization; Academic resilience
Luke Henry, PhD
Shirley Y. Hill, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychiatry
Genetics; Development; Psychological & Biological Antecedents of Alcoholism
Jennifer Hirsch
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Close relationships, emotion, and the need to belong

Graduate Students

Rae Harrison
Abby Hillmann
Daniesha Hunter-Rue
Emily Hutchinson