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Tony Caggiula
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Chelsea Cameron, PhD
Academic Coordinator & Learning Specialist
Susan B. Campbell, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita, Psychology
Socio-Emotional Development; Parent-Child Relationships; Behavior Problems
Sophia Choukas-Bradley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Adolescent Mental Health; Social Media; Body Image; Self-Objectification; Disordered Eating; Depression; Gender; Sexuality; LGBTQ+ Youth; Intersectionality
Melinda Ciccocioppo
Teaching Associate Professor, Psychology
Social-Cognitive Processes within Romantic Relationships; Gender
Jeffrey Cohn, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
• Multimodal communication; Emotion; Affective Computing; Internalizing Disorders
Michelle Colvin, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant Professor, Psychology
Sentence Comprehension, Reading
Jennifer Cousins, Ph.D.
Teaching Associate Professor, Psychology
Social & Biological Changes of Sleep During Development; Emotion Regulation
Marc Coutanche, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory, Learning & Perception; Neuroimaging Analysis Methods
Kasey Creswell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University
Addictive behaviors; self-regulation; alcohol use and misuse; cigarette craving
David Creswell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology, CMU
Stress; Self-Affirmation; Mindfulness; Emotions; Consciousness; Neuroscience
Jill M. Cyranowski, Ph.D.
Director, Clinical Psychology Center
Depression/Anxiety Treatment; Physiology of Stress & Depression in Relationships

Graduate Students

Joei Camarote
Mary Y. Carson
Jorge Carvalho Pereira
Beverly Conrique
Linsah Coulanges