Emily Lindsay, Ph.D.

  • Research Assistant Professor

Education & Training

  • Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Research Interest Summary

Mindfulness interventions; Acceptance; Stress; Psychoneuroimmunology

Research Interests

My primary research focuses on psychological and biological pathways that explain how mindfulness interventions impact stress, emotion, social, and health outcomes.

Representative Publications

Lindsay, E.K., Young, S., Brown, K.W., Smyth, J., & Creswell, J.D. (2019). Mindfulness training reduces loneliness and increases social contact in a randomized controlled trial. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(9), 3488-3493.

Creswell, J.D., Lindsay, E.K., Villalba, D.K., & Chin, B. (2019). Mindfulness training and physical health: Mechanisms and outcomes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 81(3), 224-232.

Lindsay, E.K., & Creswell, J.D. (2019). Mindfulness and emotion regulation: Perspectives from Monitor and Acceptance Theory (MAT). Current Opinion in Psychology, 28, 120-125.

Lindsay, E.K., Chin, B., Greco, C.M., Young, S., Brown, K.W., Wright, A.G.C., Smyth, J.M., Burkett, D., & Creswell, J.D. (2018). How mindfulness training promotes positive emotions: Dismantling acceptance skills training in two randomized controlled trials. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(6), 944-973.

Lindsay, E.K., Young, S., Smyth, J., Brown, K.W., & Creswell, J.D. (2018). Acceptance lowers stress reactivity: Dismantling mindfulness training in a randomized controlled trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 87, 63-73.

Lindsay, E.K. & Creswell, J.D. (2017). Mechanisms of mindfulness training: Monitor and Acceptance Theory (MAT). Clinical Psychology Review, 51, 47-59.

Creswell, J.D. & Lindsay, E.K. (2014). How does mindfulness training affect health? A mindfulness stress buffering account. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(6), 401-407.

Lindsay, E.K., Creswell, J.D., Stern, H.J., Greco, C., Walko, T.D., Dutcher, J.M., Wright, A.G.C., Brown, K.W., & Marsland, A.L. (2022). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction increases stimulated IL-6 production among lonely older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity, 104, 6-15.

Lindsay, E.K. (2021). Mindfulness interventions for offsetting health risk following early life stress: Promising directions. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health, 17, 100338.

Lindsay, E.K., Creswell, J.D., Stern, H.J., Greco, C., Dutcher, J.M., Lipitz, S., Walsh, C.P., Wright, A.G.C., Brown, K.W., & Marsland, A.L. (2021). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction buffers glucocorticoid resistance among older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(6), 641-649.

Accepting Graduate Students

